How to implement a Workplace Mentoring Upskilling Programme

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Mentoring Inspiration

Corporate landscape has ushered in a need for a combined approach in professional development, prominently seen in the integration of workplace mentoring with upskilling programs. These unified initiatives are vital in fostering a workforce that is not only skillful but also versatile, equipped to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic business environment.

Integrating Workplace Mentoring with Upskilling:

Workplace mentoring, involving experienced professionals supporting and guiding less seasoned employees, has now intertwined with upskilling – the process of providing training to enhance existing skills or acquire new ones. This amalgamation is essential in creating a workforce that is both competent and prepared for future advancements.

Importance for Employees:

Career Advancement and Loyalty:

A LinkedIn Learning report highlights that a staggering 94% of employees would remain longer at a company that invests in their career development, showcasing the immense impact of integrated mentoring and upskilling on employee retention (LinkedIn Learning). Gallup’s findings further reinforce this, with 87% of millennials considering professional growth opportunities as a key factor in job selection (Gallup).

Skill Enhancement and Job Fulfilment:

Engaging in these comprehensive programs leads to enriched job satisfaction and an expanded skill set, rendering employees more adaptable and valuable.

Benefits for Organisations:

Boost in Productivity and Creativity:

Organisations that emphasise internal mobility through these programs see a notable increase in employee tenure (5.4 years on average) compared to others, as per LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report (LinkedIn). Additionally, firms investing in employee training witness a 24% rise in profit margins  (Forbes).

Leadership Development and Reduced Turnover:

These integrated programs are effective in identifying potential leaders and substantially lowering turnover rates.

Overcoming Implementation Challenges:

The integration of mentoring and upskilling programs involves navigating obstacles such as resistance to change, budget limitations, and measuring ROI. Strategic planning is crucial for aligning these initiatives with organisational goals.


Five Steps to Implementing Change:

Needs Assessment:

Utilise employee surveys, performance reviews, and industry trends to identify skill and knowledge gaps.

Tailored Program Design:

Develop initiatives that cater to both workforce and organisational needs.

Securing Buy-in:

Showcase the potential ROI and align the programs with company objectives to gain stakeholder support.

Effective Implementation and Monitoring:

Initiate programs with clear goals and timelines, and continuously track their progress.

Ongoing Feedback and Refinement:

Employ feedback mechanisms to continuously improve these programs.

Case Study – Mondi PLC:

Mondi PLC’s integrated mentoring and upskilling program serves as an exemplary model. It connects senior leaders with junior staff across various domains, including managerial, technical, and cultural aspects. The Mondi Academy offers bespoke development plans, supported by coaching and mentoring. In 2021, they achieved a 20% increase in training hours compared to the previous year. Their collaboration with ‘the female factor’ emphasises their dedication to diversity and women’s development, benefiting over 20 Mondi women through mentoring by international executives.

The fusion of workplace mentoring with upskilling programs is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses seeking to excel in today’s economy. These initiatives are instrumental in attracting, nurturing, and retaining talent, fostering innovation, and securing a competitive edge. Embracing these integrated programs enables organisations to effectively meet contemporary challenges, ensuring long-term success and growth.

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