Reasons for UK Businesses to incorporate mentoring programs

by | Oct 4, 2023 | Mentoring Inspiration

The article “Why UK businesses must incorporate mentoring in 2023”,  Reasons for UK Businesses to incorporate mentoring programsfrom Chelsey Baker, Founder and CEO of National Mentoring Day highlights the significant impact of mentoring on UK businesses’ success during challenging economic times. The National Mentoring Day, supported by various major organisations, emphasises the transformative benefits of mentoring for business growth, strategy development, and revenue increase.

The author advocates for structured mentoring programs, urging CEOs to ensure that every employee receives one hour of mentoring in 2023. The article outlines how mentoring inspires, supports, and guides employees at all levels, leading to improved productivity, retention, and future success. Additionally, mentoring facilitates adaptability to market changes, fosters networking, and aids in planning for the future.

The author emphasises the urgency of investing in mentoring to create a connected, innovative, and growth-oriented workplace culture.

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